21, San Diego

24, San Diego

27, San Diego

27, San Diego

32, San Diego

29, San Diego

Meeter is a new way to connect with someone nearby sharing selfies.

Start exploring who is around you. Featuring tailored results just for you.

Take selfies and share them with people to start the conversation.

Reply back with selfies privately. When exploring they can get back to you if interested.

27, San Diego

27, San Diego

32, San Diego

21, San Diego

29, San Diego

24, San Diego

Sign up to start browsing. It's free.


What is Meeter and who's it for?

Meeter is a complete new way to connect with single people around you from your mobile phone. It is totally anonymous and you reveal only what you want to others.

Anyone over 18 years old can join Meeter and is available in 190+ countries.

We're also LGBT friendly empowering inclusiveness and diversity.

How does Meeter work?

Meeter lets you do the first move like you would do in real life. This is proven to have higher chances of start a conversation with someone. It allows you to break the ice and present yourself with an opening line.

You start exploring possible matches nearby, one at a time. Take quick photos from your phone and send them to other people. You can also send messages to them. If you’re not interested in the person just skip to the next result.

Sending a photo or a message will show up on top of the other person’s next results. So when exploring possible matches your photo and message will show up first to them labeled as a direct message from you.

You can only send one message to a new person. If the person gets interested in knowing more about you, he or she may reply you back and you will also see their reply or photo in your next results to continue the conversation.

Guidelines for sharing photos

In order to keep a good and healthy community we require the following guidelines for your public photo.

  • NO NUDITY allowed on your photo. Seriously, no naked photos!
  • You should appear alone. People should clearly see who they’re contacting.
  • Photos with other people are not allowed.
  • Don’t upload photos of pets, objects or phrases.
  • Make sure your photo has enough quality and light.
  • Photos should be as clear as possible. We don’t accept photos with text or captures from your phone.

All public photos are reviewed and approved. If your photo is not compliant we will let you know so you can updated it. Please note that people will not be able to find you until you have an approved photo that follow the guidelines above.

Make sure you have a great clear photo that would invite people to connect with you.

How can I increase my popularity?

Your selfie is probably the most important factor to increase your chances among other people. Profiles with no photos can still receive messages but they will appear far behind and certainly, who wants to send a message to someone with no profile? In order to get people interested in writing you back make sure you have a good standing photo in place.

Also take a moment to think a great caption for your photo. Catchy captions will bring much more attention of getting messages from other people.

Do not use sexual or offensive language in your messages. Those will be automatically rejected and could be reported by others members.

How can I send someone a photo?

When exploring what is going on around you will see a reply button at the bottom left part.

When writing or replying someone you can also take a photo with your phone.

How do I get notice of new replies?

When exploring what is going on around you will see a message or a photo labeled as a direct message. You can always reply back to these messages.

How to update my status and photo?

Updating your status and photo regularly is good idea to to get more attention. Meeter also considers the frequency you update your photo and your public status.

To update your status click on the Meeter logo at the top and then on Profile and edit the Profile Intro with a new one.

How can I update my profile?

After login, click on the Meeter brand at the top and then visit the Profile page.

How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your subscription, please click here.

If you subscribed with your local phone provider your subscription will be cancelled immediately. Your account will not be deleted and you can still access your data or reactivate your subscription.

After a subscription is cancelled you should not receive further charges in your bill or credit card depending on the payment service you used to signed up.

If you like to remove definitely your account please click here.

How can I delete my account?

To delete you account please click here.

I have a question!

Please feel free to write us back to info@meeter.com. We always try to reply back as quick as possible.